Case Study Findings: Motivation is Unreliable

It was clear to me very soon after retirement, maybe even before, that I could not rely on my feelings for motivation. In fact, I can’t rely or wait on motivation either.

For me, the trial period is over. I’m convinced that waiting until I feel up for writing, designing, coding, or completing a course doesn’t work. Progress crawls or stalls. 

Motivation is fickle, fleeting, and temporary.

Intuitively, I know the way to get things done and do the work. I guess I just wanted to see how things could go on my own. 

Maybe it’s time to read Pressfield again – The War of Art, specifically. Or instead just buckle down and do the damn work. After all, there’s no reverse button on knowledge. When you know better, do better. 

“If you know better, then do better”

Southern Black Proverb

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