
My choosing healthy reactions still needs work

Michael P Wright michaelpwright.com michaelpwright
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I can be more open to other viewpoints. I have to be more accepting in order to navigate my personal relationships. It’s a skill I can no longer avoid — even if unintentionally — mastering.

This morning, I blew up and recklessly said something hurtful. I stood still, reflected, and then realized there was a viewpoint I hadn’t considered. A perspective that might allow me to compromise on a decision I had been firm about. Unfortunately, I reflected after the damage by my mouth was done.

How does the way forward look? It looks like I still have more work to do. I am making progress in acknowledging an emotion(s) and choosing a healthy reaction. I am.

This morning, I didn’t choose a healthy reaction. I think a better one would have been to say fewer words, choose better words, or choose altogether a more calm state to have the conversation about what triggered me.

I’m optimistic about improving. It just takes practice and intent. I’ll keep practicing. And writing.

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