This is the way.

not the Mandalorian riding an imagined skateboard with 4inline wheels
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My dad is a minister, and he and my mom are devout Christians. In conversations with my parents, I’m going to start saying “This is the way.” in moments where phrases like “Thank the Lord”, “Praise God”, “God willing”, etc are appropriate.

not the Mandalorian riding an imagined skateboard with 4inline wheels
I asked Midjourney to imagine the Mandalorian riding an electric unicycle, and I included a yellow brick road I had Midjourney in a past prompt.

It’s trolling by definition, but it’s not malicious trolling. My parents are great, and I love them. They just raised a Preacher’s Kid with a dark sense of humor. I’m just spicing things up a bit to entertain myself.

No, I’ll never tell them the reference. They’ll never ask. This is the way.

Midjourney is tool that creates images using artificial intelligence. View my Midjourney jobs (image generations) here:

My yellow brick road

Here’s my yellow brick road. Have fun with it.

yellow brick road created by Midjourney
This image:

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