Invitation to Drive out of Town and Interview for a Non-Specific Management Role Didn’t Go How the Caller Wanted

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

This morning I had a call from a company whose CEO saw my résumé online. The representative of the company invited me to an interview in person for the position.

The initially kind young lady informed me that the position was a management position — nonspecific — and that the company’s founder could tell me more about the role at the interview. She emphasized “I just setup the interview” when I asked what I would manage, if the role was for a Software Developer, and if the role was in IT. Yes, it is was super weird that I had to ask “What does the position manage?” then explain that question.

To summarize so far, a company representative contacted me to request I drive to a town 40-50 minutes away to interview for a job they can’t tell me about.

There’s a few basic things that don’t add up, and I really really hope this is not what my life will be in the comings weeks of job hunting locally. If you saw my résumé, then you saw the email address at the top. That means you have an opportunity to email me the job listing or at minimum the company’s website. The company representative explaining to me that “You can Google Company X” is both a red flag and a slap in the face. Something to note is the caller answered “Bob, can tell you more in the interview” in response to my question asking again if the role was in Web Development or IT.

To wrap up the brief phone call, I told the kind young lady that I’m happy to schedule a virtual interview for a job with no description.

Additionally, I have no email or phone call from the company before and 1 hour after the phone call.

…I don’t know, but I have to figure out a way to express on my résumé that I want a job, but I don’t need a job. But, I have to be realistic. Even if I am very clear about that, there’s still no guarantee that someone will call me with bullsh*t.

I’m not saying this job hunt stuff will be fun, but it will definitely be entertaining.

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