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Turo Trip Numbers 2 and 3: Same-Day Booking

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Turo trip #2 went great. My driver turned in the car 1 hour early. It was a lot dirty inside, so we worked out a small fee for incidentals. Driver #3 picks up the car this afternoon. While checking in the CRV, I asked Driver #2 how much of a factor was “unlimited miles” in her choosing my car to rent?

To paraphrase, she said the free unlimited miles was everything. She mentioned she drove to Missouri and if it hadn’t been for the unlimited miles, she likely would’ve driven to her family home and not drove the car while there to keep the miles down. That was very convincing feedback that I should keep the unlimited miles as part of the CRV’s free features; I might continue to raise the price however to compensate for the wear and tear. I think that’s a smart play.

At the time of drafting this post, the CRV and I are at Honda getting new tires mounted and balanced at a local Honda Service Center. Next, I’ll take the car to a detailing appointment on Redstone Arsenal – MWR Auto Detailing Shop. This detailing shop is pretty awesome by the way. I’m openly plugging them because they’re legitimately great.

I explained to them the small window of time (4 hours) I had between Turo driver #2’s trip and driver #3’s trip. They allowed me to keep my detailing appointment in lieu of needing to get tires mounted at the time of my detailing appointment. That’s above and beyond customer service. The CRV seriously needs that professional inside and outside cleaning, so I can let driver #3 sit in a spotless rental vehicle this afternoon.

Trip #3

Trip #3 will start 4 hours after #2 ends. I’m sure that if I didn’t need to get tires installed the 4 hours window would be plenty enough. As I said in a previous post, I can’t let someone drive the car to Florida with the current tires in the shape that they’re in now. That’s asking for a very bad experience.

So, the tires are getting done, and hopefully, I won’t be too late for the detailing appointment. I haven’t worked out a plan B location for a vehicle deep cleaning.

That’s how the Turo experiment is going right now – mostly smooth.

Turo and me

I earned my second 5-star rating. Last night, I decided to change my coverage plan to allow me to pocket 80% of each Turo trip invoice – previously, I was on the 75% plan. The deductible is a little higher, but I figure as long as I have the money for a deductible, it’s not an issue. Also, I’m here to feasibly and passively earn the most money I can.

Since I last posted, I got Trip #5 booked. Yesterday, I also raised the starting price from $45.00 to $46.00.

Lastly, I have to figure out when I’m going to go get the Clarity. I’m not crazy about the neighborhood I left the car parked. I had to bring 4 tires to the CRV, so I could drive the CRV straight to Honda. I didn’t risk using Lyft or Uber.

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