
Healthy obsessions

I am obsessed with creating multiple income streams and building generational wealth.

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Building generational wealth feels like a really good thing to be obsessed. So does creating additional income streams. Call me crazy. I don’t know.

I don’t remember exactly what the topic was, but my son said to me “Children can’t work. It’s not legal.” A little background: I’ve told the children that their first jobs are going to be for the dad’s company. What my son was saying seems like something he might’ve heard his mom say.

To paraphrase my response to him, I said of course children can work. I asked him has he seen commercials with children playing with toys. Of course he affirmed he had.

Children can’t work. It’s not legal

Aiden Wright

I explain to him that those children are working as actors. They get paid to play with those toys and smile.

Lessons in earning money as early as possible

There’s not a very long list of reasons I want the children to understand businesses and earning money so early. One of those reasons is that children can learn literally anything with good old fashion repetition. Another reason is that I know firsthand how your mind changes about spending money when you begin to think about ways to earn it.

So, yeah what I’m obsessed about is being able to put tangible lessons in front of them including small business and property ownership. I don’t plan to teach them alone, but I will expose them to people who are making moves — and primarily people that look like them.



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